Monday, May 14, 2012

Fielding the one and only elementary Jewish day school ultimate frisbee team

That's right! For the past four years, LGA has proudly fielded a scrappy yet highly skilled ultimate frisbee team and I'll be the first one to say, they are GOOD! If you live in the Pioneer Valley, you know how big ultimate frisbee is here. It's everywhere. From a pretty young age, kids here are taught how to throw a frisbee but more importantly how to catch one.  It's just part of living in the valley. It's part of our culture.

I personally find it important that students take part in some sort of physical activity. It can and should be a choice, but every child should find an active outlet to that is inspiring to them. Teachers and parents know that I've talked about how recess is an important part of the day for our students -  sacrosanct, even. Punishing a child with missing recess is in no one's best interest, because that just leads to more of the behaviors that we don't want to see. At LGA, we encourage students to run around and get their blood pulsing. We all realize that there are days when children need a break, but those should be the exception, not the norm. 

Ultimate frisbee is the kind of sport that allows many different types of kids and athletes to succeed. No pun intended, but it is the "ultimate" team sport. I kvell when I see how the team pulls together to form one cohesive group. Yesterday, I had the privilege of watching a bit of a game at the Eaglebrook tournament. The kids were on fire. They were truly enjoying themselves and each other. Kids who don't profess to be the most athletic, but enjoy playing ultimate frisbee, were smiling. Students who are more comfortable don't boast -- they let keep their egos in check. Our mantra of "learning while learning to care" really was on display yesterday. The sense of good sportsmanship was apparent. 

Now back to that culture piece. How does it get there? Well, some is through osmosis, but a lot of it is handed down by the leader, or in this case, the coach. Morah aka Coach Hilary Gollis is passionate about her team. She teaches our students every day. But she teaches them more than the standard lessons in the classroom or on the field. She has a high moral compass and encourages students to use that compass to guide them as well. It is apparent that Coach Gollis has an effect on her students. Our team includes 7th and 8th grade alumni students. Our students want to play for Hilary and Team LGA because she cares so deeply about her students and players. Watching Hilary coach is magical in its own right -- she is encouraging, direct, compassionate,  a cheerleader, and she makes people feel REALLY good. Coach Gollis has taken a few Sundays away from her own family because she knows how important the team and the program are to the students. Teachers at LGA often go above and beyond; this is just another example of the dedication our faculty has to the school. 

Everyone else has a role as well. We need the rest of the LGA community to come out and support out team by showing up at games. They are truly fun to watch. There is a game this Thursday versus Pioneer Valley Performing Arts at PVPA (4:30) in South Hadley, and a game next Thursday here in Northampton (3:30) versus the Campus School. There is also an all-day tournament at Amherst Regional Middle School this Sunday, May 19. Stop by wearing your blue shirt and cheer our students on. You won't be disappointed. 

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